Guatemala City North Mission

Guatemala City North Mission

Elder Jack Lauck Winn

Elder Winn back in Peten

Elder Winn back in Peten

Elder Winn in Llano Largo

Elder Winn in Llano Largo

Monday, July 26, 2010

Missionary Mom Sisters

I have made some really special friends through the network of missionary mothers online.
Women that I have never met but feel as if I've known forever.
Maybe I have.
I asked Jack to get a picture with their sons.
And lo and behold...he did!
What a wonderful surprise.
(I am use to getting more grief when I ask for favors like this...but no, not even a murmur and done within a week)
In August I get to meet my good friends.
I will take a picture with them to match.

 I can't imagine any finer or better looking sons!

Hey everyone!
                We just got back from a pioneer day activity. It was pretty fun. We had a devotional about pioneers, and we ate hamburgers, and we played some games. This time it wasn’t as big as the last one was, so I didn’t get any good pictures, nor did anyone dress up. Sorry mom. =)
 (last years Pioneer celebration complete with costume. Jack's cost like 75 cents. Can you tell?)
                This week was excellent, and challenging. We had a leadership training seminar in the mission office everyday this week. It was a great conference, but the challenging part was getting there. Usually we take a taxi, but in an effort to save the Church money this week, we decided to take a bus there and back. In a taxi it´s about a 40 minute drive. In a bus it is a 2 and a half hour drive, usually standing up, crammed with a bunch of people, some of which don’t bathe, and being in bumper to bumper traffic all morning. It was miserable, and we had to leave at 5 30 AM. It was worth it though because the conferences were excellent. We talked a lot about how the job of a missionary is to teach the people, not the lessons. I was able to take a lot out of it, and I wish I would have had it earlier in my mission, because we have changed our teaching style, and it seems to be very effective. We also got really good food, like Subway and Quiz-nos, and Wendy's.
                This week was also great because we found a family. They are the Gonzalez Family, and they are looking really positive. When we got there, we felt prompted to teach them the Plan of Salvation, instead of the Restoration, which is the lesson that we usually teach to begin. They really liked the lesson, but most importantly it helped them a few days after when the sister of the mother of the family passed away. I believe God sent us there to teach them that Plan, because it would help them in their loss. Sister Gonzalez is sad, but she said that she will do what it takes to obtain a testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. She asked us how we could be so sure that Christ conquered death. My answer was the Book of Mormon, because that is where my testimony of Christ comes from. She committed to read it and pray about it. Then, we asked if we could help them, and they did need help making tamales and helping around the house. The next morning we went to her mother’s house to help the family out, and there was a lot of work to be done. It was a great blessing to serve, because I think the family saw our true desire to help them. The great part was that in the house we did the service, there was about 15 other members of her extended family, all of whom we are going to teach tomorrow. I feel really good about that family. I hope they can progress.
                Lets see. One of the missionaries that I knew, Elder Pratt, and his parents came to Guatemala this week. They were less than prepared. We had an interesting experience with them. We were walking home at 9 at night, and we saw them. I thought that was a little weird, because I wouldn’t ever take you guys to my area at 9 at night.  The offered to buy us tacos at a taco stand, and while doing it they locked their keys in the car, in the middle of zone 18, right on the side of the highway. The car was pretty nice too. So then, the father pulls out his blackberry trying to call someone! In the middle of zone 18! That’s an invitation to get robbed and shot.  So, it was a mess. We hired a gangster looking guy to break into the car, and he couldn’t. So then I told his parents to get in our house, because it was not safe at all for them.  Finally I found the number of the car rental agency, and I convinced to guy to bring an extra set of keys. I thought that was pretty crazy. Not the kind of experience that we want when you guys come. =)
                We also worked in our area with President Torres. It made us a little nervous, but it was a great experience. He taught us a lot.
                Leonardo´s kids went to church this week. That was good. I think they are going to get baptized. We had a really good lesson with him and his wife, but he is still a little difficult.
                Well, I think it is question time!
1.     Whatever happened to your companion from the CCM? Do you ever see him?
He went to the Quetzaltenango Mission. I haven’t heard of him. My companions in the MTC, Elder Fincher went home early for a knee problem.

2. Are your shoes going to make it to the bitter end?
They better. I still have the Eccos.Those have a lifetime warranty right? Because if they do they are going to give me some new ones. =)
2.     Should I be bringing you any clothing and shoes to Guatemala?
No, but the lady we live with, Sister Cristy, really wants one of those Hallmark candles. She has been really good to me. One of the nicest people I know here.

4. Do  you think that you would be interested in taking that class about Guatemala at BYU?
Yes! That would be awesome. Guatemalan Culture is fascinating.

5. Doesn't your awesome mother think up really awesome questions?
Yes. Lol she only has 9 more emails to think up questions. =0
6. What was the best/worst thing you ate this week.
Best was the Quiz-nos. The worst was tamales again. =0

7. What is the size of the ward that you attend? Do you ever have to fill in any callings? What do you do on Sundays during the three hours?
About 150 people. It is the largest in the stake. Here we don’t fill in callings. I teach the Principles of the Gospel class every once and a while though.

8. Any advice for Lauren preparing for her freshman year?
Study! Don’t be like me! I didn’t study much. And now I regret it, because I need to play catch up now. Treat school like an 8 hour job. Class only takes 3 hours a day, but go somewhere to study for the other 5 hours.
Well, thanks for the emails! I have 9 weeks left in my mission, and they will be a great next few weeks. I love being a missionary, and I love helping people here.
Elder Winn

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